About Me

Black and white because I'm crazy dramatic
Photo creds: Sam Terrones
Well hey there gorgeous. I'm Viviane. Now before you say "Wow, what a sassy French name!" and start picturing some beret-wearing, baguette-swinging French girl, calm down. I'm an average American college student (with radiating good looks and a heart of gold) minus the giant t-shirts and leggings. I enjoy posting about fierce clothes that drive my soul, unhelpful self-help, and the embarrassment that is my life.

Here are some facts about me to get a good sense of who I am:

- In high school, I was basically a nerd. Acing math tests (except BC Calc; we must never speak of it), volunteering, writing for the school newspaper, taking AP classes, the whole shebang. But this was back during the booming popularity of so-called "hipsters" thus my friends and I were deemed cool/stylish/underground popular; no big deal (if you got it, you got it).

- I once wrote a rap about force, work, and power for my Physics class and it's my beautifully crafted, Grammy worthy, pride and joy.

- I make up for my lack of singing/dancing talent and athleticism with enthusiasm.

- I accidentally wrote a research paper on fetishes. That's a whole story in itself and needless to say, I now definitely know what fetishes are.

- I love fashion as much as I love books and chicken (alot).

- My ideal guy would be anyone and anything that resembles Jake Gyllenhaal.

I'd love to hear your comments! Email me at viviane.barelyadult@gmail.com


  1. Replies
    1. Well thank you! :) Just from your comment I can tell that you're probably awesome.

  2. You are genuinely the most amazing person there is. Was that creepy considering I don't know you. Probably but I'll risk sounding like a weirdo. Your post are hilarious and the fact that you love chicken is amazing ( I'm a KFC (enthusiast)

    1. Thank you so much! You're officially an honorary member of my elite Chicken Appreciation Club.

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog :) It makes me laugh and I also love books and chicken (I am a book fried chicken eating worm)

    1. Thanks girl! There really should be a books and chicken club. Every meeting we'd talk about a book whilst knee-deep in chicken.

  4. I HATE fetishes! I don't know if I could handle a whole report - you're so brave! I'm loving your blog - you're so funny!

    1. Thanks Allie!
      And I'm more dumb than brave! I didn't even realize fetishes were sexual...

  5. The fact that you love books makes me like you; but the fact that you like books AND chicken makes me love you so much!

  6. Loving your blog! Just sent you an email, would love to hear your thoughts about Tackk.com. Feel free to shoot me an email or tweet at me @Jane_Fri

  7. You seem like the loveliest, funniest, most down to earth girl! I'm so happy I stumbled over your blog xxx


Thanks for living in the fast lane and commenting, you cool kid you!